Hey fellow fuzzy lovers!  Kudos to all who responded to the "annoying
post!"  Do your self a favor and give your self a pat on the back.  I
agree with those who do not have children and do consider their ferrets
their "babies", I am one of those people.  I have a husband of 3 years,
5 adorable ferrets and no desire to have children, and my husband agrees
with me on that!  He loves the ferrets as "our kids".  When I saw the
post I thought "here we go again" an episode of unrest in the FML world.
When will it stop??  Then I thought after I read it that this person is
going to get "so flamed" and honestly they are probably getting what they
deserved.  Remember "if you can't say anything nice...."
Love and nuzzle your fuzzies!!!
Patti Bazar, Eddie Bazar, and fuzzies Frisky, Sunny, Vincent, Shelby, and
[Posted in FML issue 3905]