Condolences to those with lost, missing, or bat-biting blurry-furries...
(Not a *baseball* bat, ya nut!)
>Can a ferret run faster than a human?
No, but they can certainly *maneuver* faster than a human!
>How small can a boy ferret be?
About an inch, when they are first born.  Then it depends on the diet,
environment, genetic and other factors that directly affect them.  In
some less-than-ideal circumstances, they can be as small as a girl
>How small can a girl ferret be?
About an inch, when they are first born.  Then about 1/2 to 3/4 of the
size of a "standard" male ferret.  However, I've seen girl ferrets that
are about the same size as a regular male!  I have three girls that range
in weight between 12 ounces (Rhun) to about 18 ounces (Jessica).
>Ferrets are the nicest animals and don't scratch doors.
Out of the mouths of babes...and how unobservant he is!  Ferrets scratch
at closed doors, if they have even the *slightest* suspicion that
something interesting is on the other side!  In fact, they don't even
have to believe there is something interesting on the other side--some
ferrets scratch doors just to tick off whomever closed the door!  Others
may scratch at a door because the cat dared them to do it!  :)
Todd and the Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns
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[Posted in FML issue 3905]