Yep.  I know she did, I know she did.  She said it, she said it!  Soo....
let's see....Artemus story anyone?  Nah, we've heard enough about him for
a while - though he did learn that hoppign like a bunny gets him some
pretty solid, let's move on to our lil gal, Helena.
She is our "itty-bitty" fert ball, spitfire, that reached out and grabbed
me by the hair last Xmas -after going to Petco - to replace my 10 year
olds rat, who died after our house fire.  Well, we never got that rat
(and incidentally rats ARE cute) - as I could not "detach" Helena's fuzzy
little paws without ripping a patch of my hair bald.  (for those that
remember - I dropped my keys by the fert cage and bent over to pick them
up - and when I did - she reached out and grabbed a handful of my waist
length hair)   Well, we brought this little bundle of "ahem" home,
thinking she was wild, but would grow out of it as she grew older, and
bigger.  The damn Petco guy lied.  She hasn't grown, out of it - nor has
she gotten bigger.  But that's ok.  She is pint sized, but do not let her
size decieve you.  She is capable of upending plants, taller than me, can
tip over full trashcans, can open the fridge and best of all she can
scale any obstacle very quickly.  Her newest trick that she has taught
us - is how to "wedge" her furry little butt between my nightstand and
the bed, and she uses the bed as a brace and comes up on her back -
pushing off with her hind feet from the nightstand.  Once upon the
nightstand, if I am not quick enough (she is the SILENT climber) and I
don't notice her - she dives directly INTO my water glass I leave on the
stand.  Well, we got smart when she got smart - and moved our water over
to the dresser - so that she couldn't get to it.  Ahem.  Yeah.  Right.  I
have a pile of stuffed animals in the corner, so up she goes, leaping
over the stuffed fuzzies, until she lands on the dresser.  Into water cup
we go.  Move water cup again, to computer table in the "office" portion
of our Masterbedroom.  Up computer tower, stretch to sliding keyboard,
slide out - climb on top - tip water over on keyboard.  I have decided to
move the water out of the room....she wins......happy weekend to all!!!
Remember: Smile a while, and give your face a rest!!!!  Fuzzie hugs!
Stay tuned, to Monday - where we will talk about "The Good Ferret",
Kimberly Gorman and the Ark animals
[Posted in FML issue 3905]