Dear Annoyed,
I don't know where to start.  should I start with the lack of sensitivity
or the fact that you can read what you want to and skip over other parts.
As the moderator noted, Rainbow Bridge is important to a lot of people,
myself included.  Think about what you just wrote for a minute, you are
upset about posts about the death of a ferret, and yet you feel compelled
to bitch about the fact that some people joke about rats and mice.  For
one thing, you have the right to bitch about the insensitivity in regards
to pet rats and mice.  That is a fact.  However, your lack of sensitivity
is almost scary.  From what you have said, you are a mature adult with
children.  Your posting seems as though you are a young, immature person
too impatient to "skip" over irrelevant postings.
The great thing about the FML is that people can come to it for comfort
when a loss in their FAMILY occurs.  As you should know, especially by
the comments made about your rat, many many people do not understand a
person's connection with their pet ferret (or rat).  My family members
would probably laugh at me if I cried over the death of my babies.  To
them they are rats, no matter how many times I refer to them otherwise.
This is not just a factual posting forum.  This is a place for people to
come together in the interest of one thing: FERRETS (a.k.a. OUR BABIES).
I don't read the Rainbow Bridge postings mainly because I can't stand to
think that one day I will be making a similar posting.  I don't mean to
come off as a jerk or anything, but YOU DID!  Yes, you are annoyed.  Get
over it.  Nothing you just said in that posting is going to change the
way we post.  just now we will know whom to steer clear of.  so as to not
annoy you.
I'm sorry but I have one question, is this ferret a pet of one of your
children.  because it is all too apparent that you do not have a deep
connection with your ferret like you should.  It is almost scary to
imagine how you could say such heartless things and not have any feelings
for you fellow ferret owners.
Concerned about your ferret
[Posted in FML issue 3904]