I've been in hysterics this weekend catching up on my FML's!  Kudos for
the funny stories challenge!!  I would like to tell you all about Zira's
nemesis, the evil Vacuum.  Zira is my sweet cinnamon girl that I have
dubbed the wrecking crew.  Her favorite games include Let's knock
everything off the coffee table & Oooohhh mom just cleaned the litter
I'm gonna dig to China!!!  Her main mission in life is to distribute the
kibble all over the room in neat little piles (not including the ones
she drops on the way).  She a happy lil dooker until....
Enter the evil mastermind, the Vacuum with the master plan to steal all
her treasured stashes!!!  Zira hears the evil engine of doom and darts
from the corner of the couch to defend her treasure!  The evil Vacuum
lunges forward and Zira valiantly jumps onto the attacker, latching onto
the rubber bumper!!!  She sways to and fro determined to destroy this
villian, for noone will get her kibble....no one!!!  Jumping high again
and again!  Throwing herself in front of her precious hoarde "Take me
instead!" The intruder loses it's horrible windpower (as mom's hysterical
laughing steals all her strength) and is foiled!!!
Zira, the ferret superhero has saved the day!  She runs to the cage and
grabs a mouthful of kibble and dashes towards the couch.  Afterall, a
girl's got to have a day job.
And now for my good news.  Merry has been doing wonderful on her new meds
& treatment schedule.  Her Lymphoma is in check for the time being.  She
now goes for monthly chemotherapy and has adjusted to her new meds.  I
have been handfeeding her since right after her surgery in June and she
has refused to eat any kibble, only treats.  Well, yesterday I saw her
munching away at some of Zira's little crumb pieces she kindly leaves
everywhere (good think she foiled the vacuum!) This is the first time
she's eaten on her own since June.  I was beaming because I've been
hoping for her to be her old fiesty self again.  Lately I've caught her
scaling the furniture and getting into all kinds of trouble.  I'm so
pleased to say that she has made such a remarkable recovery & is the
happy, mischevious little sprite I know and love.
The Ferret Buckeye Bash in Columbus, OH last weekend was a great
experience.  For my first ferret show I wasn't sure what to expect.  The
vendors were really great, nice to talk to and had everything from cages,
toys, bedding, info.  I've never seen whole hobs before and I thought
they were adorable big teddy bears.  I didn't know ferrets got that
BIG!!!  I'm in love.  Too bad we can't afford for ferret math to strike.
Hope everyone is have a great long weekend, Trish ~ Merry, Pippin & Zira
the Masked Avenger
[Posted in FML issue 3893]