Hi all
We have something I haven't seen before.  Two pairs of little ones coming
to da bridge together..
A little girl named Minnie came in today.  She waz met by Claudette,
Lucy, Gadzook, Walley, Tarzan, Petey, Percy, Squeek, and Schroeder Boat.
They all greeted her very warmly especially Claudette.  Then they were
clamoring for da news and gossip back home.  So she had to fill everyone
in on all da happenings there.  They gossipped for some time.  Then it
waz off to explore and see all da sights and attractions.  After dat they
headed for da Fields to run and play.  They ran and ran and chased each
other and played tag and all da games ferrets play.  They loved da grass
and running through it.  It is taller then they are this time of year and
easy to hide in.  They even managed to stumble on several cheweasels
hiding there and capture them.  She said to send lots of luv and bunches
kisses to her mommy.
A pair of little ones named Lassiter and Dakota came in together.  It is
nice when they come in together then they can help each other a little.
I gave them da tour of da place and showed them all da sights and
attrations.  They headed over to da Ferretvite Festival when it opened to
lap up da ferretvite and dance a little.  They danced with each other and
just about every other little one present.  They seemed to have a ball at
it.  They lapped up an awful lot of ferretvite too.  They seemed to make
lots of friends there.  When da place closed and they got throwed out
they had to head over Hammock Haven and curl up together to sleep for a
while.  They said to send luv and kisses and hugs to their mommy.
Another pair came in together named Jaws and Fathom.  They were met by
Trouble and Harley Quinn.  They were happy to see each other and greeted
each other very warmly.  Then it waz time to sit around and gossip and
catch up on all da news at home.  After talking for some time they headed
off to explore and see all da sights and attractions.  Then they headed
out for da Tube Park where they were going to run in da practice tubes
for a while.  They chased each other through da tubes and ran and ran.
They had some kind of game of tag going.  I waz invited to join but
declined and just watched for a while.  Their rules were a little
elaborate and hard to follow but they seemed to not have any problems
with them.  They seemed to have a bunch of fun in them tubes though.
They said to pass on their luv along with lots of ferrets kisses and
I looked up Griffin in da puter thingy.  I found him over practicing with
hiz new wings.  He had da soaring down real good an waz practicing da
landings.  He didn't do to bad although he needs more practice.  He said
he missed you bunches.  Here isn't to bad though as there is lots to do
and he feels good all da time.  He said he will be right here waiting
when you get here.  He said to send his luv and hugs and cuddles to
I am off to hunt cheweasels.  Got a craving for one.  Gotta go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3903]