A few FMLs ago I read a post regarding outdated Maine regulations
regarding ferrets (from Alicia, I think) and wrote a letter to some Maine
legislators to ask about it.  I heard back from several of them rather
quickly, and got the best info from Rep.  Harold Clough, whose neighbor
is a DVM and who checked with the neighbor and researched the current
Part of the post that originally caught my attention and made me write to
Rep. Clough and others:
"Chapter 730
3966 Control of ferrets; seller's obligation
>2. Transfer of ownership.  Any licensed kennel, pet shop, shelter, or
>vet(erinarian who) transfers ownership of a ferret shall provide
>notification in writing as to the following:
>A. Ferrets have been known to attack humans, particularly children,
>   and without warning.
>B. There is no proven vaccine for rabies in ferrets nor is there an
>   (accepted) procedure for judging a rabid ferret without sacrificing
>   the ferret.  A ferret (that bites) a person may be immediately seized
>   and put to death by the State in order (to obtain) necessary test
>   samples."
What Rep. Clough sent me (I left out the first few back-and-forths we
had-basically just my inquiry/mentioning that the above was inaccurate
and his "I'll look into it"):
 ----Original Message----
From: Harold A Clough [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 3:38 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: regulations that need updating
Dear April,
I did not look at the statute before responding to your first letter.
After doing a search I find that all sections dealing specifically with
domestic ferrets have been repealed.  As far as I can tell there are no
regulations on the sale of ferrets other than general regulations that
would apply to all domestic animals.  Look like the problem has been
Thanks for your interest.
Rep. Harold A. Clough
5 Ottawa Woods Road
Scarborough, ME 04074-9113
Tel. 207-839-4696
email: [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3903]