Thanks for all the replies I received regarding Luigi!
He stopped his "fast" Sunday and now eating _everything_ I give him and
wants more.  I can tell he is feeling much better.
This brings up another subject that is on a much happier note.  As you
could tell from reading my rather long history of Luigi, he has had some
ups and downs over the last 10 months.  During that time, he has shown
less interest in playing and I didn't want to push it.  After reading on
this list about how important it is for ferrets to play, I would like to
start encouraging Luigi to play more.  With me and by himself.  To start
I purchased some new play toys from Ferrets Are Love.  But while I am
waiting for delivery, I have tried to get him interested in playing with
some small balls I have.  They are not the type of balls I will leave
lying around when I am not around but I think they are ok if I am
supervising.  Unfortunately, Luigi shows no interest in chasing or
checking out the balls.  When I roll one straight to him, he just lets
it bounce off of him, looks at me like I am crazy, and keeps on walking.
He is getting up there in the years so I don't expect him to run around
like he used to but I think he would enjoy some play.  He did play in
and around a carpet tube occasionally before the most recent illness.
I would like to join him in his play.
Anyone out there have suggestions on how to encourage play?
William M. Davidson
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1704 Blume, NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112
505 294 4571
Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't
want, to impress people they don't like.  -Will Rogers
[Posted in FML issue 3902]