Wow, talk about a heart attack!  I came home, let the ferrets out, had
the front door open, screen door closed.  Plopped down on the couch
and crashed.  Two hours later, I hear a weird sound at the door and
investigate.  There's my (indoor) cat Boris wanting in.  I go get him,
come inside and shut the door because the screen has been torn.  Where
are the ferrets?!?!?!?!?!  One goes running by.  Put her in the cage.  Go
look for the others.  Find P-Bear sleeping, put him in the cage.  Where
is Buddy?!?!??!  Panic!  I'm on call for work and in a moment of shear
panic I get paged 3 separate times!!!  How can I look for my ferret this
way?  I answer the calls, throwing bedding all over the place, moving
boxes aside, checking all the places I know they hide the whole time.  I
start calling his name, and calling, and calling as I search the house.
Oh god, please don't let him be outside!  Call my tenant and get her
searching outside right away.  "Buddy!!  Where are you?!?  Buddy!!" Find
the phone #.  "Buddy, Buddy, Oh please come out from hiding." Find the
phone.  Go outside - time is of the essence!!  Go to front door and look
who's sitting on my porch (looking in none the less!) BUDDY!!!!!!!  He
had obviously been out awhile and smelled so strongly of the grass.  I
held and hugged and kissed him and gave him treats and told him what a
good boy he was.  He went running off into the other room to check his
hidey holes out, then put himself to bed!  Pooped out from a hard day of
adventure.  I am sooooooo thankful he is home, safe & sound in his bed.
My cat is screaming to go outside...
[Posted in FML issue 3902]