To the anonymous poster who's female ferret was loosing fur on the tip of
her tail...
Not a big concern.  Although adrenal growths, which require surgery, can
cause hairloss on the tail...hairloss at the tip, which is visibly from
blocked hair follicles (looks black) is merely "rat-tail."
There are all kinds of suggested treatments for rat-tail, including
swabbing with Stridex pads or a drop of ivomec, but in my experience
it will go away on its own anyway.  Be sure to keep her bedding clean,
but don't overbathe (will encourage oil production), and it will go
away--during the spring molt at the latest.  In the meantime, it looks
bad, but is not harmful.
To the question about ferret-proofing computer and entertainment
Yes, it's a good idea to ferret-proof those areas, although the risk of a
ferret actually biting a wire is fairly low.  You can buy pre-cut plastic
tubing at a hardware store that slips over the wires.
Kara (& the 20 housewreckers)
[Posted in FML issue 3902]