Hi, I don't really post much, in fact I usually only do so when I need
help.  Not proud of that.  Sunday evening I noticed that Medb (pronounced
Maeve), my little 1.5lb albino snowball of terror, was acting "weird"
(she is weird, but this was weird).  When I let her out of her cage
(which she shares with her 6 brothers) she was walking around (dragging
around) like she was drunk.  Needless to say she and I were at the Vet
ER ASAP.  Took her to my Vet today (Monday) who deals regularly with
ferrets.  She indicated that Medb had head and neck trauma.  There was
ONE puncture would on Medb's neck, and some bruising around her front
right paw/shoulder and side.  Both vets felt it looked like a ferret
tooth (I have two cats, but they were not in the cage, for once).
Long story short, she is being syringe fed food, receiving sub cutaneous
fluids, and on 15mL of Prednisone twice a day.  And being love to death
by mommie.  She is currently wrapped in a blanket with warm water
"bottles".  She had a lower than normal temp at the vets today, and the
vet warned me not to expect her to survive the next 24 hours.  SQUISH!!
I am surprised the vet didn't charge me for her kleenex, as much as I
I have lost 3 ferrets in the past.  Stripe somehow got out of the
apartment, I found her dead in the road, not more than 20ft from our
door.  T.U.N.F got into a closet and was crushed by a box.  Spidermonkey
got out of the apartment and has never been seen since, assumed dead.
That was 2 years ago.  I don't know how I am going to get through this.
I have read so many posts from you all.  I have cried at those that were
sad, some that were not sad (Like Sandee's posts), and laughed at the
silly antics of the wezils (and their mommies and daddies).  Medb was
MY ferret when we bought her, 3.5 yrs ago.  This is killing me.  I am
praying is she goes, she goes quick.  She just had a seizure about 30
minutes ago.  She is resting (comfortably I hope) in her little
carrier/bed.  Any ideas about how to keep her comfy and let her know
how much I love her would be appreciated.
The other issue of this post.  This is posed mainly to those that have
"many" ferrets.  They all share a large cage, and get out more than I
do (ok, bad comparison, but they are out for at least 5 hours a day).
"Someone" did this to her.  I don't think out of malice, because the
wounds would be more "visible".  This is the first time that I have seen
any negative effects of these guys.  Not well worded, but I am crying and
trying not to at the same time.  Riri is the alpha.  I posted earlier in
the year when she bit me (twice) severely.  Since then (about 6 months)
there have been no problems.  I think my behaviour and her behaviour
were clashing.  I have changed the way I do some things, and she hasn't
bitten.  She was once spotted dragging Rikki around by the scruff of his
neck, and at one point, he had some scabbing, but nothing serious.  I
don't even know if Riri caused the scabbing injury.  I laughed at the
time, because Rikki has about 1 lb on Riri, and it was funny.  Getting
to the point: I don't know who did this to Medb.  Does anyone out there
think this might reoccur??  Was this an aggressive act, or just playtime
got too rough and accidents happen??  Anyone's input would be so
appreciated.  Thank you all for listening to my rant/rave.  Little Medb
is so depressed that she can't run around and dook.  My poor baby.
Thanks again.
Orion "Riri", Medb, Blackfoot, Rikki, Mordechai, Killer & Fenris = Wezil
Sam & Fuzzball = proof that cats are crazy
Missing wezils Stripe, T.U.N.F & Spidermonkey and Baron, my first pet,
and a great dog.
"For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans for
welfare and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope" Jeremiah 29:11
[Posted in FML issue 3902]