Shasta- named from a division that Nortel use to have.  Also named Diesel
Weasel, Shaq Diesel and Big Boy.
Squeeks - Squeeky Deek
Lil Thang - She's a thang until she stops agressive biting.
Beema - as BMW, or B-Dub color of old car
Lu-Lu- also Du-Du, Old Lady
Miss Furbie - Fur Fur or Fur Bur
Miss Katie - Katie Bug
Munchin- Munch-n-Punch
Kineman - KK - Rainbow bridge this year
Busta (Dog) - Big Head, Bad Bo,  Old Man
Moxie - Moxy mox
Roxie - Roxy rox
Budda Bean - Mean Bean
All are subjected to be called Brat Child
To all that responded with their suggestions to help me with Lil Thang
she getting better everyday.  I want to say she sees me with the other
guys and thinks this lady isn't bad.  I still watch her when she is
close, but she will hop on me to play when I am on the floor which is 95%
of the time.  She is getting better when I go to reach for her.  Most
aggressive when she wants attention now.  The atmosphere that she was in
was bad.  I am still waiting on MF.  But, I will be writing them another
letter concerning the ferret and the treatment the employees and
customers gave.
Thank you,
[Posted in FML issue 3893]