Hi kids!
I know there are some of you guys in Mississippi and Louisiana and
Arkansas and stuff, so how come we never have any ferret events???  If
anyone is interested I live in NE Louisiana and would love to help
coordinate something -- I said HELP though, not singlehandedly stage,
because I have a wedding and a college career to devote time to, also,
not to mention two ratties and a foster rat, two ferts, and a wad of
cats.  But I'm sure I have a couple hours somewhere where I would be
doing something useless (like... i dunno... sleeping or something) so
if anyone's interested, let me know.  That way we could go to an event
that we didn't have to drive more than a couple hours to!!!!
p.s. that weasel/mink thing that someone rescued is a cutey patutie!  I
hope y'all get a wildlife rehabber soon!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 3902]