Hi this is my first time writting.  Been reading for about a year now.
First I would like to sent all of you who have loss their babies my
sincere condolences as I too had loss my other two ferrets a few years
ago and it took me sometime to get over, which you never really get over.
I miss them still even today.
Now I have 2 more ferrets - 1 female albino Mischief, 2 years old and my
male sable Gizmo, who is 3 years old.  I've had them for about a year and
a half and I have notice my female is lossing her hair on the tip of her
tail.  She eats, and is very active so this has not slowed her down any
but I am concern about this as her tail has been turning dark.  After
giving her a bath this weekend I notice she is lossing even more hair and
the tail is darking.This has happen over a period of about 3 weeks now.
She hasn't gotten her tail shut in anything as my house has been ferrets
proofed and I live by myself.  Is there something wrong with her??  I
have a good vet, but I have been having vet bills comming right and
left with my other animals (my two 4 foot iguanas, and just loss my
chinchilla) and I don't really have the money right this moment.  I do
remember seeing something about this before but as I searched the
archives I found nothing.  The last archives posted was June and maybe
this subject was posted after that time.  Please Help if you can.
Thanks to all for your help.
Worried in California
[Posted in FML issue 3901]