>Just email me saying the shelter you think that deserves/needs some
>handmade bedding with maybe a short description.  That's it!  they will
>be added to the list and I will A. pick the one in most need, or B.
>Randomly pick.
Hi Valerie ~
Again can I nominate Rockeys...Vickie wrote today in the FML:
We are getting low on funds here at Rocky's.  We have enough supplies to
get the Love Shack under roof but will need at least $1,000 more to get
it finished and functional.  Please help us as much as you can.  We had
some unexpected medical expenses come up and that had to come out of our
Love Shack fund.  The ferrets never do without..I promise.
Thank you so much!
Warmly ~
The Conley Farm - organic herbs
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[Posted in FML issue 3901]