I would like to conduct a non-scientific survey for my own interest and
sharing with anyone else who is curious.  If the following statistics
seem too overwhelming to compile (especially for large shelters), I would
also welcome a *random* sampling of ferrets in your care.  For every
person that participates in this survey, I will contribute $0.50 to SOS.
Please copy and paste, fill-in your information, and send to me by e-mail
at [log in to unmask]
This is a three-part survey.  IMPORTANT--Please do not include any
vaccinations pre-treated with Benadryl (or any other pre-treatment) in
Part One.
Part One...
Number of ferrets (or number in sample):
Total number of vaccinations that have been witnessed in these ferrets:
                      Number of Imrab:
                   Number of Fervac D:
                   Number of Galaxy D:
          Number of other (_________):
Total number of reactions witnessed to above vaccinations:
                      Number to Imrab:
                   Number to Fervac D:
                   Number to Galaxy D:
          Number to other (_________):
Part Two...
Total Number of Vaccinations that were pre-treated with Benadryl:
                      Number of Imrab:
                   Number of Fervac D:
                   Number of Galaxy D:
          Number of other (_________):
Total Number of Reactions witnessed to above, pre-treated, vaccinations:
                      Number to Imrab:
                   Number to Fervac D:
                   Number to Galaxy D:
          Number to other (_________):
Part Three...
Please rate the above listed reactions on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1
being "too mild to warrant concern," and 10 being fatal.  Please add
these scores, in parentheses, to the numbers listed in Part One and
Part Two.
Number of Ferrets: 3
Number of Vaccinations:  15
        Imrab:  6
        Fervac D:  9
Number of Reactions:  2 (3, 6)
        Imrab: 1 (6)
        Fervac D:  1 (3)
[Posted in FML issue 3893]