I want to thank you BIG and say how happy I am to have this forum.
There are so many names I recognize in their regular posts, and consider
friends.  There are a special few that I've responded to or who have
responded to me off-list.  The kindness and understanding that pours
out from these connections amazes and touches me.  I thank you for it.
Sometimes the emotion on-list gets heated, and you've needed to mediate;
but on the whole the help that is provided on this list (to each other
and to ferrets in need) is unparalleled.  At times when tragedy strikes
(in our own ferret homes and in the ferret community) it is so easy to
want to shut off and disconnect from this all, but the support that we
have all offered one another is what holds it together.
Thank you Bill for holding this list together.
(geez, it's not even Thanksgiving and I'm getting all emotional!)
[Posted in FML issue 3892]