Dook...dook.....dook.....(doin da happy dance)
Mommy bought me prezzies and they came today.  I gots to open da box.
Inside were Fran's wonderful toys and eggs.  They were so soft and they
all made noise.  Now I have to take them to my hidey holes verrrrrry
quietly.....dook...dook....dook...maybe I hide dem in my tunnels wif my
raisins, and cheerios.
Mommy says to thank you Fran, sooooooooooooooo THANK YOU FRAN!!!  I love
my new toys. <ferret kisses>
Love and nuzzles ~
Miss Jazzy
you gotta see ""
Jazz - "Hey mom how's zat...can I have my treats now?"
The Conley Farm - organic herbs
Online Classes ~ [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3899]