I had quite the experience yesterday and feel the need to share with you
I have been having problems with a certain 'shelter operator', which hit
an all-time high yesterday.  I will not post the name of this person here
on this list as I don't see it necessary to bash people publicly.  If
anyone is still concerned after reading my account below, please contact
me privately.  Let me bring you up to speed on the developments so far.
Brief History:
My ferrets were boarded for 10 days by said 'shelter operator'.  The
ferrets returned to me in horrible condition and suffering from GI
distress.  Months later I find out that this 'shelter' does not vaccinate
for distemper nor test for ADV.  I subsequently FREAK OUT, run tests,
contact the 'shelter' to verify this and contact local Animal Control
about the situation.  The 'shelter operator' and I have been exchanging
emails for some time now.  This person has confirmed to me that the
ferrets in their care are not vaccinated for distemper due to lack of
funds and the fact that it is not required by law.  Also, since none of
the ferrets show signs of illness then they are obviously ADV negative
and there is no need to test.  And of course, my ferrets were never
allowed to play with the others so there would be no transmition of
disease possible.  OK, so now you see what I'm dealing with?
Proceed to yesterday:
This person has the GALL to call my vet and ask about my ferrets medical
conditions and vaccination and ADV test history.  If this person thought
for a minute they would realize that a vet is not going to release
medical records over the phone to a third party.  The 'shelter operator'
explains to the office manager at my vet's office that we are having an
argument and she is worried about the state of my ferrets.  The office
manager immediately calls me at work to tell me what has happened.  I was
FURIOUS.  She asks me to explain the situation.  I simply tell her that
this person runs a 'shelter' but does not provide routine distemper
vacc's or test for ADV.  Well, that was enough.  If this person decided
to try and call my vet's office again, they will be in for quite a
While I was FUMING, I decided to carry through with the suggestions from
Animal Control to file a consumer protection complaint with the Attorney
General and to write to the Zoning Board.  That's it, I'm through trying
to be diplomatic.  I'm really concerned about the ferrets in this
'shelter'.  I have no idea how many there are, and the 'shelter operator'
will not provide me with that information or allow anyone in to see the
ferrets.  I have been told by this person that there is one ferret that
needs adrenal surgery and that is why the shelter can't afford vacc's or
ADV tests.  I realize that expenses are rough on a shelter, but come on.
This person claims to run a rescue and can't even provide routine care?
Sounds like those ferrets at the shelter need rescuing.
I want to warn everyone who is looking to board their ferrets that no
matter what your impression is of someone, PLEASE write to the FML or
another ferret board and ask if anyone has had experience boarding
ferrets with the person.  There are almost 3000 people who receive this
mailing list and I'm sure that you will get answers if the person has
ever taken care of other ferrets and your ferrets will thank you for it.
Thanks for 'listening'.
[Posted in FML issue 3899]