Ferrets are very intelligent and can figure out some complex ways of
getting chores done.
Nibble-ed is a most unique ferret.  She is small even for a female and
not at all friendly.  Doesn't want to be touched and will bite anyone but
me.  She can get up onto things that only a bird can get to.  Today, I
saw one of her classic tricks, one that I discovered some time ago.  She
gets to a piece of furniture she wants to get on top of, but she is too
small to get on top.  Well, not really.  If that piece is less than 3
inches from the wall, she puts her back to the wall and feet on the back
of the furniture back, and uses her back on the wall to put pressure on
her feet to 'walk' up the back and then get to the top.  Amazing
creature.  I watched her do that today.  Just amazing.  damn rasin
biter!!!  ha!
Haven't figured out how she gets onto the fireplace mantle yet, is
another 'discovery' to happen.  No furniture near that or anything she
can leap frog to in order to jump even.
She is loosing fur on her tail lately.  Is nearly bare.  Have no idea
what is causing that.  Her diet is stable and she eats well.  Could be
the heat we have had.  But that is past so should not be a factor
Dooks to all and condolences to those who lost a fuzz butt.
Gordon, Byte-me, Nibble-ed, and Kodo
[Posted in FML issue 3892]