Heartfelt condolences to those of you who have lost fuzzies recently,
it seems like there have been a tremendous number of new rainbow bridge
residents lately.  Sandy must be VERY busy, good thing Harley Bug can
help her!
My husband & I share our home with a Lab mix, a Border collie, 5 cats
mostly mixed heritage, & 15 ferrets.  I have also in the recent past had
2 Arabian horses, mother & son.(Boy do I miss them!) Horses have always
held the biggest part of my love for animals but I have to admit that the
ferrets are running a close second.(Maybe a tie)
I think what I love most about them is their gonzo approach to life.  The
ferret motto seems to be "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!" Life is
to be enjoyed, explored, tasted, played with & just generally had fun
with every waking moment.  They have such short little lives but they
cram every possible moment full.  They have a cheeky, impudent attitude
that dares you to frown at them & then they dance & dook at you if you
do.Before it's over they have you rolling on the floor & laughing with
them.  No wonder we can't stay mad at them!  A ferret is probably the
best remedy for depression I can think of.  Come to think of it, our
beloved Siberian Husky Akira had a lot of that same quality too.  You
can't help but adore someone who just plain loves life that much &
enjoys living to the max!
There are lots of other reasons to love these tiny creatures, I know, but
that's the one that stole my heart!
Carrie(writing), Jim & the Flying Woweasels
[Posted in FML issue 3898]