I was down on my hands and knees reaching in behind the toilet, to pick
up a few compost heaps.  Nikki likes to climb up on me and jump on up to
the sink for a drink.
Normally we always keep the lid down on the toilet, (you know where this
is going right??)...well I had just lifted the lid to the toilet to toss
in the heaps, and forgetting that Nikki would spy the lid up, Nikki
changed his mind about the sink and thought he would take the plunge,
no pun intended.
It all happened so fast... Nikki was in and out of that toilet in like 3
seconds flat, soaking wet, he turned and looked at me as if to say "What
did you do that for???"  The look on his face was priceless!!
I hope he doesn't try that one again ;)
Jadesun,  Amber-Lynn n' Nikki Taur
 missing Jade Elaine & Daisy Mai
[Posted in FML issue 3897]