>Adrenals: be careful about generalizing between species.  Ferret adrenal
>growths DIFFER CONSIDERABLY from those of dogs or humans!  If you want
>to learn specifics I'd suggest checking into the works of...
>question by Dr. Bruce Williams about a research study he and Dr. Charles
>Weiss did using Lupron alone for ferrets and how it
I read Dr. Williams post today.  it does not answer my questions, one of
which was whether the information in John Hines article was incorrect.  I
don't believe Dr Weiss or Dr Williams refuted that.  information that
would be interesting to know about the study would be how many years did
it last, and how long the ferrets have had symptoms before starting
treatment.  my ferret vet is not against surgery, he just prefers to
administer Lupron doses and checks various things to figure out if it is
working or not.  if there is a tumour, he will take it out.  he checks
for tumours via ultrasound.  I've been disappointed with surgery because
of a recurrence adrenal in my first ferret, and had yet to read any
information that will convince me that surgery is a better alternative
when no tumour growths are observed.
thanx for the input.
// ************************************************
// Selina, Birch, Dief, Sprite,       Sand and Bear
//                      missing Storm
// http://www.cgl.uwaterloo.ca/~ssiu
[Posted in FML issue 3897]