Hello ferret friends!  I was sad to see so many ferret angels this week.
Kim, Granny Dooker's story was so amazing!  Tough sweet old granny, you
took a piece of my heart.  I'm so glad you were able to give her the
extra special love she needed.  We gave our kids a bath tonight and after
they romped in the towels and did the spin dry routine I hugged them
extra tight.
We discovered a small hard lump on Pippin's back 2 days ago).  He was
just vaccinated on Aug.  17th and the vet said it could be nothing if it
was from the shot but I said I wanted to bring him in anyway.  Ever since
Merry getting diagnosed with Lymphoma I've been worried and checking them
more often (trying not to be a stoolgazer...YUCK!) So today Pippin had a
check up and the vet thinks it's formed there where he got the shot and
told me to monitor it and it should go away in a couple weeks.  I was
at work and my boyfriend took him so I didn't get to ask a hundred
questions.  Anyone else have this happen after shots?  (Cross posted to
the FHL)
Thank you Sukie for the informative FHL description & rules.  You do so
much on the FHL answering so many requests for help and researching
information.  I was able to post my questions on FHL about Merry's
Lymphoma and received great responses from vets and corresponded with
other ferret owners that had dealt with Lymphoma.  It was a life saver!!!
Thank you so much Tansy, Mary B., Ellen & so many others for all your
help.  Merry's treatment has gone so well and she's doing great!
Todd had a great point here: to prepare the intended bite-site by licking
it several times, first.  I think *they* think that their tongues have
tenderizer on them or something.
Pippin does this exactly.  He gets the spot nice and soft and after
"tenderizing it" CHOMP!  He used to do it to my boyfriend all the time.
At first it wouldn't be hard but then he would grab hold and gnaw on him
like a cheweasel!  Pippin isn't mean and would never bite if you picked
him up or while you hold him (he's more of a sneak attack, up the pant
leg and bite you on the back of the knee where the skin's nice and
soft!!!) It's more like a little imp inside him and he just can't help
himself sometimes.  Right afterward he looks at me as if to say, the
Devil made me do it!  We've used the scruff move and firm NO with eye
contact each time he bites us and he knows it's not allowed.  We just
understand him and try to antipate his moves.
Trish ~ Merry, Pippin
(I've got an itch to scrath...there's mom's ankle) & Zira
[Posted in FML issue 3897]