If you are interested in an "natural" treatment option for adrenal gland
disease then try melatonin.  Red clover is a big question mark, such as
does it even work, is it safe for ferrets, etc.  We know melatonin does
indeed help and is safe for ferrets.  The suggested dose is 1mg per
ferret once a day, orally about 8-9 hours after sunrise.  The other
option is the male mink melatonin implant.
Hope that helps,
Jerry Murray, DVM
[Sukie note:  that this helps is known from vet experiece; in a past
Dr. Jerry Murray post you will find him mentioning that usually
surgery is best, folowed by Lupron or Lupron plus Melatonin, followed
by Melatonin alone.]
[Posted in FML issue 3896]