Hi everyone!  I personally, just wanted to take a second and thank each
and every one of you, that took me up on my challenge.  This past week, I
have done more laughing than I think I have in years.  To hear some of
these stories, has made my outlook on each and every day brighter.  This
is the first email I look for each day - when I go into work.  It was
getting so that I didn't look forward to it anymore, because of all the
disagreements folks were having.  Now, I look forward to each morning,
and can't wait to open my FML mail!  It sure makes a difference when you
work in the field I do - (highly technical) - to be able to "veg" with
some good stories!
On the high side of life, Artemus has laid claim to my dog's back......
As some of you may know - Artie is my spastic, uncontrollable, wound
up albino ferret, whose one goal in life is to see how fast he can do
ANYTHING.  He has now decided, that the first thing he must do - upon
leaving his den, is to find the dog (who is terrified of him to begin
with) - stalk and pounce on his back.  Poor Aeros is becoming paranoid...
if you sneak up behind him and make ferrity sounds, he runs into walls
trying to get away from the "Ferret Demon".  If he is not quick enough -
he ends up giving Artie a "ride" into the walls with him.  Watching him
during the day - makes me wonder if there is ritalin for ferrets.......he
begins his day with a bounce, and pounce on anything and everything that
moves.  Helena and Romulus stand back - and watch him go - then look at
each other like: Is this dude for real?  "Hand me the valium Romie - you
pounce on him, and I will shove it down his ferrity throat.....*evil
ferret grins*.  Thanks again people for the stories.  You all have pulled
together and made this a positive forum again!  Keep the stories coming -
my boss is starting to think I need a vacation - due to all the
hysterical laughter he hears coming from my cubical......
Dooks and spazoid ferrety "high fives" to all!
Kim and her "not so normal" buncha fuzz covered friends.
[Posted in FML issue 3896]