>I have polecat crosses and they are the most ill tempered ferrets I have
>EVER had.  They are unpredictable, aggressive, bite happy, constantly
>anxious, cage pacers (before and AFTER a very long playtime), cage
>aggressive and the list goes on-breeders like to call this 'sassy' or
>feisty' behavior, but who are they fooling really?  They are no longer
>our pets, they are becoming captive wild animals.
I've got to answer this one.  My poley cross is so vicious.  I can't tell
you how many times I have been licked.  He even had the nerve to sit on
my feet.  He's still whole, so I guess that makes him a killer.  Well, he
does kill off the food in his dish, but when handing him a meat treat, do
I lose a finger?  Actually, he has better manners than my domesticated
ferrets.  He's a bit shyer than the others, and if I startle him, he
might poof.  Yeah, that's certainly mean in my book, it makes my eyes
water.  He's my big, stinky lump of a boy.  If you'd like to see this
vicious ferret and his evil ways, you may visit my photo album at-
Or you can visit the all the albums using the addy in my signature.  You
know, I guess it depends on how you raise them and love them.
Sandy and the Dook City Gang
Tempus Fuzzit
Kathouze Pictures
[Posted in FML issue 3892]