Yesterday I found a message on my cell phone (stupid phone doesn't beep
for messages till days after they are left) from Jimmy about Buster
Brown.  Buster was the third ferret I found a home for out of Stamford
AC.  Buster had been released into the woods by the Stamford Museum and
was finally caught after running around outside for over 2 weeks.
When I went to see him I found an emaciated, filthy ferret.  He was also
bald from hind legs down.  But he was also a sweet and loving little guy.
I put a message on the FML.  One of the shelter operators told me flat
But she was wrong, someone did.  That someone was Jimmy.  Jimmy drove the
50 miles and met me in Stamford at 9 AM one Saturday morning.
Several months later when Jimmy was adopting another throwaway fert (or
thought he was, I ended up in love with CB and kept him, sorry Jim) he
brought Buster up to see me.  Here was a beautiful cinnamon ferret with
all his fur back.  He danced around on the grass and loved being outside
even after all he's been through.  And it was because he knew that he was
safe with Jimmy and his fur family.
For almost 16 months Buster Brown was part of a big loving fert family.
While he has passed to the Bridge too soon and too young I know he is
looking down on Jimmy with love and thanks for the wonderful life they
shared.  This is not good-bye my little friend, it is merely a temporary
separation.  We will meet again at the Bridge and you will show us all
the fun you've had while waiting for us to arrive.
Connie, Butch, Maggie, and CB
"I am sometimes asked, "Why do you spend so much of your time and money
talking about kindness to animals when there is so much cruelty to men?
I answer, "I am working at the roots." George T. Angell
PS, Jimmy call me/email me.
[Posted in FML issue 3921]