Diabetes in ferrets is rare, but we all know, esp. after Ulrike's
recent letters, it sometimes happens.
In the September 2002 issue of "Tufts University Health and Nutrition
Letter" on page 2 is an article titled "Chromium to Treat Diabetes"
telling how an NIH review of 15 studies (involving more than 600 people)
on chromium used to treat diabetes found that taken as a while the
studies did not find any clear link between chromium and blood sugar,
either in people who already have diabetes or those hoping to prevent it.
Detail such as names were not given so those wanting such details will
zzzz to check with the NIH at http://www.nih.gov/ though it is not on
that website as of this writing.
Because the results seen in testing were very variable when chromium
was tried in these studies people will want to be extra careful about
testing.  There are past posts by Pam Sessoms which can be found in the
FHL Archives http://fhl.sonic-weasel.org/ and a great write up at
http://www.unc.edu/~pjdutche/bloodsugar/ to teach how to do this testing
at home.
[Posted in FML issue 3920]