Minky boodle seems to always look "greasy" .  I haven't bathed them .(I
used to faithfully bathe both of them faithfully every week, but have not
been bathing them except for maybe once a month/once every six weeks.)
Anyway, Kiki seems to be fine, but I guess Minky Boodle just produces
more musk.  Is there anything I can do without bathing to help cut back
on the oil production?  My condolances to everyone whose lost fuzzies or
who has sick ones.  I experienced a pretty tough loss this week and
haven't had the heart or motivation to get through my emails until today.
I'm still not sure If I'm going to make it through all the fmls from this
week.  If there has been anything important that I've missed feel free to
email me about it.
[Posted in FML issue 3920]