Hi there,
It seems as though my landlord and I have come to a conclusion about my
ferrets - we need to agree to disagree.  I have been renting here for
five years and have had ferrets for two of them, and my landlord has
decided that it is just too much.  So, I have thirty days to find another
Does anyone know of a ferret friendly one or two bedroom apartment in the
$800-1000 range in rent in the Boston area?  I am willing to travel to an
extent.  I currently reside in Quincy, which is just south of Boston, and
work in Burlington, MA, which is about a half hour north of the city.  I
am using to commuting about 45 minutes to an hour to work.  I am a good
tenant, have paid my rent and bills on time here for five years, but my
landlord refuses to see the light about my fuzzies.
What stinks is that, while we are not supposed to have pets, my two
upstairs neighbors have cats and he is not aware of this.  I was the big
dummy who needed to be honest and tell him about my ferrets.  But I have
not opened my mouth about their animals, I just couldn't do that.
I love my ferrets dearly and cannot part with them.  I take care of them,
to the point that I am almost anal about it (I'm sure you guys have had
this happen-your friends ask you "Don't they stink?" and of course they
do if you don't take care of them!  LOL).  And, in exchange, they give me
unbiased love and hours of spunky entertainment.  Who could beat such a
deal?  :)
Can anyone help me out here?  Even ideas would be welcome.  I just gotta
move quick.
Thanks a bunch guys!
and the fab four
Dante, Toby, Templeton, and Nala
missing Paul, at the bridge
[Posted in FML issue 3920]