I noticed that several are having problems litter box training their
ferrets.  I tried a few different things before finding out what worked
best.  I know some don't reccommend using regular cat litter, but that
seemed to work best with my ferret.  Also, if you pick up the poop in a
napkin and place it in to the litter pan every time they have an accident
and then take the ferret and show it the litter pan that is very helpful,
because they generally like to go in the same place every time.  So if
they see their poop in the litter pan then they start to associate it as
the place they should be going.  Just make sure to empty the pan often
because ferrets don't like to use it when it's really messy.  Also make
sure to hold the ferret over the poop and point and say "No!  No!" in a
firm voice and take it immediately to the litter pan.  That will
reinforce in their minds that they are supposed to be going in the pan
and NOT on the floor.  Also squirting them once or twice with a water
bottle works for some people.  But of course you have to show them the
litter pan and make sure to put the "ferret dropping" (heehee) in to it
so that they learn this is where they need to go.  Hope you have success
getting them litter trained.
P.S.  I am still planning to send a reply to the FML soon about the
previous post, but have not had time to sit down and work on it yet.  I'm
leaving for my vacation to Alabama in 8 days and just haven't had the
time to do anything with it yet, because I was so busy replying to all
the personal emails I got.  But you can expect a reply soon.  :)
[Posted in FML issue 3919]