Oh please help.  My little boy is acting up.  I went on a ten day
vacation without my Gonzo.  He stayed at home.  My neighbor and I live so
close that all we have to do is open a door and we are in each others
kitchen, roommates on the weekend.  So he took care of Gonzo for me.  He
is great with Gonz, but I suspect he didn't clean Gonzo's boxes as much
as Gonzo likes them clean.  Well, I got home from vacation two weeks ago
and found my fuzz-man's poop in places he has never went before.  He will
go in his litter boxes every once in a while, but he prefers the spot
right next to them.  He has 8 litter boxes in a large one bedroom house
and two boxes in his five story cage.  What more could the brat ask for.
I brought him home when he was a baby and had him trained in one week.
Only five or six accidents in that 8 month period.  Now there are five
or six accidents in a day!  Ooh, he drives me nutty some times!
Here is a list of things I have tried:
1) Scrub boxes very good and make them nice a fresh (he used to like
   dirtying them)
2) Treats galore, too much of a good thing
3) Saying I was sorry for leaving him at home (he said he forgave me and
   kissed me)
4) Playing his favorite games even more than I normally do (that was
   almost impossible)
5) Putting him back in his cage for a time out when I catch him (It
   makes me too sad)
6) And More......
I really want him to use the box again, not only because I like a clean
house, but I also want to adopt another fert and am afraid he will teach
the new one fert his bad habit.
Love to fuzzies and friend,
Dayna and Gonzo
[Posted in FML issue 3919]