>I suffer from severe bipolar I (with yes, psychotic tendencies) and OCD.
>Now, ferrets do not help my OCD, in fact they may exacerbate it a bit.
>But boy do they help the other problem.  I can't tell you often I'll be
>in a full manic swing, but I must work in that ferret room at least twice
>a day.  Each time, I have to slow down, I have duties to do, grooming to
>do, work to do.  It's very quiet and calming down there, and no matter
>how bad I"m doing, I get caught up loving on them
Dear Rebecca ~
How special you are for sharing this part of yourself with us.  I have
loved your writing on this list since I joined a short time ago.
My son (after 3 years of horrendous behavior and misdiagnosis) was
properly diagnosed with bipolar disorder/bordering on schizophrenic
this summer.  He is still titrating to a balanced dose of lithium.
Unfortunately his manic phases are not creative they are utter fury and
anger.  After he goes through one of those phases he goes way down.  At
that time I take Miss Jazzy into his room where she tunnels under the
dirty clothes and his quilt and tickles his feet and makes him smile.
She is such a gift to us.  She has no idea what she gives my son but I
do and I love her for that.
Warmly ~
The Conley Farm - organic herbs
Online Classes ~ [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3919]