Hello All,
Lastnight, I have come to the realization that I don't have a life
without always worrying about these furry little things.  But, it's what
I choose to do with my time.  I have never seen such a moody group of
fuzzies except this week.  To start off, I have Munchin still she is now
going through the catarats stages and I just found out she is 6.  We'll,
when she was the only rehabber in the house she apparently got spoiled.
I picked up 3 more rehabbers.  Ms. Furbie's back and 2 others Fang 7 and
I am not sure about Sasha.  Juliana from Ferret Business of GA thought he
was probably going through separation depression.  Not anymore..  HE is
keeping me up biting the cage.  But, back to the moody stuff.  Munchin
apparently has her ****** on her back.  She use to be with me all the
time, now she has to share.  Boy, did she give me the cold shoulder
yesterday along with disgruntled sound effects.  Then, Ms. Furbie she
does the same thing.  They don't get their way it's the cold shoulder tx.
I thought it was quite funny at how they behave towards humans.
My guys are just as fruity as ever.  They want their morning raisins and
kisses and off I go.  The evening times I go in and rough house with them
and end the day with raisins and kisses.  There is one Beema, he also
gets a couple more minutes.  My gentle boy.  If I don't ick him up and
hold a brief conversation he will scratch at the plexiglass for hours.
Every ferret has there own personality.  As for Ms. Thang the little girl
that the pet store gave me.  She is coming around.  She has slowed down
in the attack department.  She loves to follow me and make me play with
her.  I put her in a 4 story cage in the monkey room.  I wanted the
scents to be shared.  I am now seeing them go up and interact with her.
One day, she will be integrated among the gang.  I just wished the
inconsiderate employees at that store had brains.  I know that could be
asking alot.  We'll that's enogh for now.  I need to go look over notes
for a class today.  Pop-up quiz on the way.
Everyday, each one of us on this list is engraced by something our
ferrets do during the day.  Amazing isn't it.  To all with sick pets, I
know some of us have more then ferrets.  My prayers are with you.
Have a nice day.
[Posted in FML issue 3919]