What do you do with that doo doo?
All of that icky poo poo
That smelly stuff that comes out...
makes me wanna throw up and shout...
do you plug your nose, run outside with the litter box
and quickly dump it in the dumpster like a trash man hater?
Do you shoove it in a plastic bag, tie it off and save
it to throw out later?
Do you have a special trash can?
Do you scoop the poop daily or do you wait a few days
and just dump it like a man?
The thing created most by our loving fuzzies, next to
laughter...what DO you do with that doo doo?
ohhhhhh     what DO you do with that doo doo...do you
use it to fertilize your next door neighbor's
vegetable garden and when she invites you over for
dinner she's confused why you refuse-refuse?
do you dump it in the back yard where the dogs go poo
poo and when the poo poo picker upper person stops by
to pick up the dog poo he comments on the tiny little
dog you never had?
well, time to go scoop the poop...untill next time...
*skips of merrily singing "what to do with the poo poo...."*
cha cha cha
~*~*~ VALERIE ~*~*~
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[Posted in FML issue 3918]