If you can help, please email me at [log in to unmask]
I am looking for a home for my four ferrets!  They have grown up with
lots of love and are very sweet!  They do not bite...ever!  I have a
sable point, chocolate point, ruby eyed white, and a silver mitt!  There
names are Ferris, Wesley, Emily and Zoe.  They come to their names and
Ferris even does a couple tricks!  I love them dearly which is why I am
looking for the perfect home for them.  If you know of anyone who might
be interested, please let me know.  I have a nice 3 floor coated black
cage, just fully carpeted and a whole basket full of toys and leashes
that go with them.  I have some pictures that I can send you if you are
interested, just let me know!
Just a note-These are NOT *MY* ferrets.  I am helping a friend of a
friend, so no flames are necessary.  I have requested a bit more info
from the owner, and hope to hear back from her tomorrow.  Also, if anyone
can send any info on separating ferrets in groups, could you please?
I'm not sure we can get all four placed in the same home.  Thanks!!
Beth and the Gang
Maybe, Alciabides, CT, and Lucifer
 ...and The Dude, who crossed over the
Rainbow on 12/31/01
"Not to hurt our humble brethren is our first duty to them, but to stop
there is not enough.  We have a higher mission - to be of service to them
wherever they require it." -- St.  Francis of Assisi
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[Posted in FML issue 3918]