i too experienced this miracle of ferrets saving you from sever
depression!  i had a hip replacemnt about 6 years ago and i was stuck in
bed for a while!  depression sets in quickly!  after being in the
hospital away from my 3 babies( they really were babies then) my hubby
started bringing killer along to visit! one because he stopped eating
and mad at daddy for taking mommy away and not bringing me back!
when i got home after ron got home from work he would bring all 3 into
the bedroom for play time with mommy!  boy did i get the kisses then!
after about 4 weeks i was able to get on the floor and sit and play , i
couldn't get back up yet but i felt guilty for them being locked up and
me being home all day!  they really taught me to walk , and get around
again!  plus they kept me from getting depressed .  they would give me
kisses and that famous war dance and the blues would just melt away!
i'm glad i'm not the only one to experience this kind of joy!
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[Posted in FML issue 3917]