Hi all
Sorry these are late but my hooman was out of town for da weekend and
with work and all has not caught up yet.  I did go over to da cat area
and check on da cat to see if it waz alright.  It seemed to be doing well
although I don't speak cat very well so am not sure.  But from what I
could observe it was well.
A little guy named Oz came in.  He waz met by Norman, Houdini, Dot and
Charlie.  They were all glad to see him but sad for mommy back home to
lose another one so soon.  They sat around and gossipped and caught up
on all da news at home.  They talked and talked.  Then had to stop by
da Fruit Bar to grab a snack before they set off to explore.  After dat
they headed out to see all da sights and attractions.  I later saw them
running through da Fields and snockeling through da grass They also had a
great game of tag going and some others passing by were invited in and
joined da fray.  There waz quite a free-for-all going.  He said he felt
bunches better but missed home.  He said to send lots of luv and kisses
to hiz mommy.
I looked up Luna and Slimmy in da puter thingy and found them over
watching da Tube Races.  I sat down to talked to them for a time.  I gave
them your message and told them dat you had asked after them.  They said
they missed you bunches although it is not to bad here and there is a lot
to do and plenty of good things to eat.  They said not to worry about
them as they are doing great.  They said they will keep an eye on things
there through da Reflecting Pool.  They said to send lots of luv along
with hugs and cuddles to their mommy.
I am off to da Reflecting Pool to check on home again.  Gotta go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3917]