I am exceptionally busy right now, but many answers (including from
experts) for health questions appearing in the Tuesday FML can be found
in the posts, files, bookmarks and archives of the Ferret Health List:
Next new feature to arrive will likely be a list of compounding
pharmacists, and there is an on-going project putting together
compilations of past posts for the files section on medical problems
which are commonly asked about or which are critical time-wise but hard
to find info on.  So far the list includes: cardiomyopathy, common
parasites, prostate and bladder blockage, and A/V Heart Node Block (rare
but finding info and consultants who are familiar with it in ferrets very
quickly makes the difference between life or death if it is a level 2 or
3).  Diabetes is hard to find info on and is time critical, but there is
a LOT in the FHL Archives on this topic so maybe that will be the next
health-related compilation after Pam and I each finish our parts of the
compounding pharmacy project.  These compilations may also be used to
provide raw information (but may not be copied) for other's articles on
the topics so that as many ferrets as possible may be helped.  The posts
used in the compilations are from the FHL Archives.
With a year and a half of input from a number of ferret specialist vets,
geneticists, etc.  the FHL Archives is a treasure trove of useful
information, and Pam and Eric Sessoms designed it to be incredibly easy
to search, with instructions right there next to the boxes one fills in
to make it even easier to search and to narrow a search.  Someone who has
never searched before will find it easy to do.
The FML Archives is also a wonderful and too often under-utilized
resource, not only for health questions but for all sorts of things:
integration of ferrets, litter training, etc.  so I hope that it exists
just about forever... Go to:
Here are a few other places to begin if common problems like insulinoma
or adrenal growths are being discussed:
[Posted in FML issue 3916]