Here is permission from me (us includes both Wes Hurley and me,
SusieLee-Hurley) to use any or all of that post (on missing your
fur-friends) in any way you might like to.  And this, too, if you want
to add it.
I feel that we're all "Here" to HELP one another, in any way we can, and
a few words of our honest experience to give some genuine comfort to
others is part of the Very Least that I can give.
There have been so many true-life reappearances of many different kinds
of our fur and feathered friends that it would take several megs' worth
of writing to try to document each appearance or incident with each
The real truth is, they each DO have their own souls and Spirits, and
they tend to stay near to us when they're in spirit-form-only By Their
Own Choices for (because of) their deep love of each of us, their
So we should be just as loyal "in love" to all our non-human friends by
continuing to keep our Spirit-Bonds alive and well BY remembering and
thinking of them all with warmth, and joy and love.
[Posted in FML issue 3916]