Hello all.
I figured I would update everyone on my beloved Buster.
He went through surgery on September 19, 2002 for adrenal.  He came
through the surgery just fine.  When I went to pick him up I waited to
speak with the vet (as usual).  She explained that they couldn't get any
blood from him because he was dehydrated.  They got some fluid into him
though so he should be ok with that.  She also told me that he most
likely has insulinoma (which is what they were going to draw blood for).
She said that his pancrease was covered with cysts and she couldn't
remove them.
So as soon as he heals (about 10 days) he will start prednisone for the
This is sad news for us.  Because of this we will be taking him off of
the adoptable page.  He will be our first and only permanent resident at
Ferret Corner.  Buster is a joy to have around though.  He isn't like a
normal ferret.  He doesn't play much but when he does look out...and I
mean that cause he can't see too good anymore!  He loves to play in the
dirt box.  He just starts flipping out and having a ball!
Buster is doing just fine.  Shawn has been home with him this whole time.
He is getting spoiled and eating 8 bowls of soup a day!
I would like to thank everyone for all of their thoughts and prayers for
Buster.  He is my special baby.  He is a wonderful ferret who was bounced
around too many times during his life.  He doesn't like change...but sure
loves his soup and his 8&1 Chicken Treats!  Both of those things will
wake him up from a dead sleep!
For those of you who have ferrets that have insulinoma, I would love to
hear from you.  I would like to know what to expect with him and what I
can do to help him.  Please email me off list so that the FML doesn't get
too full.
Ferret Corner still has three ferrets available for adoption.  Two must
go together...and I would love for the third one to go with them too.
They are all dolls!
Please remember to hold your babies close to your hearts...give them that
extra treat...Buster says so!
Joanne and Shawn
Ferret Corner Shelter
New pictures of Buster at:
[Posted in FML issue 3915]