I have a few questions about insulinoma.
Luigi had exploratory surgery last December and our vet discovered that
there was a tumor on the Luigi's pancreas.  Our vet removed as much as
he could.  Prior to surgery, Luigi did not show any symptoms of pancreas
disease and his blood sugar has always been normal.  As a precaution,
our vet put Luigi on a low dose of prednisone to keep his appetite
strong.  However, since Luigi was eating so well three months later, our
vet decided that the prednisone was not necessary.  His blood sugar
remained normal and he continued eating well.  So far I have not seen any
symptoms of pancreas disease.  He eats well and he interacts with the
family about 2 hours a day.  The rest of the day he prefers sleeping but
will come out and look around, get a few bites to eat, drink some water,
and then back to his favorite piece of clothing on the floor and go back
to sleep.  He is between 6 and 7 years old so I assume he just doesn't
have the energy he did when he was young.
The only time I can tell something is wrong is when he suddenly stops
eating, grinds his teeth, and shows symptoms of irritated esophagus or
stomach ulcers.  His blood sugar is normal during this period.  For the
two weeks, I hand feed him Nutri-Cal.  After about two weeks, he starts
eating again and he is back to his normal self.
Are pancreas disease and insulinoma the same?
What symptoms do I need to look for?
Currently I give Luigi one raisin and one slice of banana a day.
Could this be harmful?  I have read posts where all sweet treats
are eliminated from the diet.
Our vet told me that I should put Luigi back on prednisone if he
stops eating and he doesn't show symptoms of irritated esophagus.
That is suppose to help Luigi get his appetite back.  I read some
posts where prednisone is given before the appetite has been reduced.
Thanks for any help and advice given!
William M. Davidson
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1704 Blume, NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112
505 294 4571
Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't
want, to impress people they don't like. -Will Rogers
[Posted in FML issue 3915]