To all:
There was an article in the Sunday 9/22 New York Times (Style Section)
entitled "Humiliation Sells" about the Verizon Ferret Ad with a picture
of it biting the guy's tongue.  The ad came from Bozell Ad Agency In New
York and it's actual creators are Kim Gallina and Lauren Williman,
pictured also, smiling like they just invented the wheel.  The article
also talks about an ad in which a person's limbs were bitten off by a
"marine mammal" and a cat splattering on a windshield.  The ad agency
claims this is the only way to get the attention of the 20's crowd,
especially under 25 and mentions movies like American Pie.  Other big ad
agencies chimed in.
Is anyone on this list a member of PETA?  They probably already know
about it, but if not, please mention.  Maybe they'll stage a protest.
They actually want people to be insulted and offended as a reaction to
their "PC" parents or grandparents.  So maybe we should all write to the
ad agency and say we're 20-something or younger and object to their
portrayal of ferrets, which is exactly why they're illegal in NYC.
Write to:  Bozell Worldwide
               40 W. 23rd St.
               New York, NY 10011
Those two idiots who came up with the ad work there.  I'd like to slap
their smiling faces.
You can probably read the article online.
What I think is most insulting is for them to assume young people don't
love animals.  Anyone of any age who loves animals would hate these ads.
There are some great ads with animals used in a positive way.  If all
young people were like those portrayed in the article, I shudder to think
what the world would be like in another 20 years.
Sharon + Rocky
[Posted in FML issue 3915]