Hi All,
My Thoughts and Prayers to all who have lost a Fuzzie or Animal recently
and to all the ill and homeless Fuzzie's and Animal's.
I just want to add on to seperating bonded Ferret's.  When my Tazy passed
on to the Bridge his Buddy Trouble changed alot.  He refused to eat for
about 3 to 4 days and I had to force feed him.  He would go to all of
Tazy's hidey holes and drag Tazy's favorite toys with him (these are toys
that Trouble NEVER played with) and he kept this up for a few months.
Trouble also had watery eyes for a while but untill now I didn't realize
that they might have been tears.  I did take him to the vet to check his
eyes, as like you I thought he had an eye infection but didn't so the vet
said it might be allergies.  The tearing stopped though and now I do
realize that yes they were probably tears for his lost Tazy.  My Trouble
mourned for Tazy quite awhile, but thank goodness for Rosy and Fat Boy
Joey as they seemed to help him through it more so then I could.  So I
also believe that seperating bonded Ferrets does affect the well being of
Tazy was about 1.5 years old when I got Trouble so Trouble was Tazy's
first playmate.  They bonded together instantly even though Trouble was
only 10 weeks old.  Tazy LOVED Trouble and where Trouble went Tazy always
followed and vice versa.  Even when I took one of them to the vet I had
to take both of them as they would get depressed when they were
seperated.  I was so very worried for Trouble when Tazy passed even
through my own grief my Trouble was my first and foremost concern.  He
would even let me hold him for long periods of time while we were
mourning and believe me Trouble hated to be held any other time.  I just
wanted to share my experience with seperation of bonded ferret's.
Dawn and the Terrible Two's Gang, Trouble, Rosy, and Fat Boy Joey and the
new Fuzzbutt Dru :-) Still Missing my Tazy Terribly !!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 3914]