I have had it!  My Daisy has been a biter for too long now.  I thought it
could be something she needed to grow out of, or something we could teach
her not to do.  But it seems to my dismay, that Daisy is a permanent
biter.  She never bites out of fright or anger.  I know that for sure.
But to this day I can not figure out why or what seems to be provoking
her.  This is a typical scenario.  The girls get out of their ferret
palace to play in their room.  I generally sit on the floor and watch
them play, everyone in a while (OK, maybe more than that) doling out some
luvins.  Well, all will be fine until Daisy come over and starts licking
my hand.  Yeah, I thought it was sweet too.  Until, with no warning,
tries to take a chunk out of my hand!  I end up with 4 bloody welts on
my hand from her sharp little teeth.  So in a nutshell, it's like a lick,
lick, lick, lick, lick, lick, CHOMP!  I never hit her.  I can't.  I have
tried the ferretone on the skin trick, that only makes her bite quicker
during her licks.  Should I start spraying bitter apple all over my body
(feet, hands, arms, legs)?  Any part of skin that is exposed will get
bitten.  The best way, I have found, is to literally scream
"OOOOWWWWWWW!" at the top of my lungs.  The only thing is that I can't
scream until she actually bites, so her affection isn't assumed to be
wrong.  Has anyone had this problem before?  Are there any other options?
It is not such a big deal for me, I can handle it, but I don't want her
to bite other people.  Any advise would help!
Nicole, Silly Girl and Daisy Dooks
[Posted in FML issue 3895]