"Please help?  I lost my ferret!!!"
Those were the frantic cries that came through the FRES emergency line on
Wednesday evening.  A FRES member had been cleaning, and opened a window
to air out the room.  One of her ferrets, who thinks he is invincible,
found a way to climb up the nearly 3' of bare wall and scratch the screen
to get out.  That is all it took to start a series of phone calls to
iniate our grid search plan.  Within minutes we had 5 volunteers over to
that member's house, and were out searching for this little man.  With
our flashlights (it was 10pm) we took off in our assigned directions
looking under trees, in garbage bags and cans, under everything we
could think of that might be enticing for a ferret -so you guessed it,
everywhere!  You can imagine our joy when we were each called on our cell
phones to tell us that the ferret had been found.  He had come bouncing
down the back alley as happy as can be, not understanding why we were all
crying and kissing his now very dirty and smelly little body.
Another happy ending.
Lorene Kimura
FRES search team
[Posted in FML issue 3914]