Well, I never thought I would be writing about the Rainbow Bridge so
soon.  This is a "testimonial" of a cat who changed so many peoples
lives.  A cat that was so intelligent, yet silly, he could make you
laugh, and wonder why you were doing it!  A cat that would bring home
lizard presents.  He always brought me a tail and looked up at me as if
to say: See?  I got him, I got him!  This story starts off in San Diego.
When I lived in San Diego - I would make frequent trips to Mexico and
back.  My friends and I would "shop" and eat and drink our way - up and
down the coast.  On one of our trips - we stopped at a "roadside" shop.
While shopping, I saw a "black blur" dash past me.  I noticed it was a
very "sickly" looking black kitten.  One of my friends "grabbed" this
little kitten and handed it to me.  He was black, rust, and grey, in
color.  The rust and grey, were from malnutrition.  I asked the shop
keeper "how much for the cat"?  He said: Take it - we will just make
tacos out of him anyways.  That was good enough for me.  I smuggled him
across the border (and NO, I didn't realize it was illegal what I was
doing....I swear....) and brought him home to my husband (who
incidentally said he would NEVER have a cat).  Well, that lasted all of
the first 2 minutes, and then it was "kitty love" at first sight.  My
husband and I spent the better part of 5 months, nursing him back to
health.  The vet's didn't think he would live, as he was so malnourished.
My "mean ole" husband, became a marshmellow around him.  He insisted the
kitten sleep with us (in case something happened).  That would have been
fine, except he gave him MY side of the bed!  As Sinbad became healthier,
he became my constant shadow.  As time passed - he grew into a beautiful
long haired, solid black cat.  The signs of his "earlier" life, began to
disapear.  He became a very VOCAL cat and honestly, I have never seen a
cat "talk" so much.
Every night when I would get home from work, he would be waiting at the
door, vocalizing his displeasure at being kept waiting for his "num-nums"
(whiska's treats).  If I didn't move fast enough, he would wind hmself
around my ankles, until I would either trip over him, or injure myself
trying NOT to trip over him.  He grew to be 17 pounds, and NO he wasn't
fat - he was just large in stature (thats what I tell people about me
too..).  His other "favorite food" - was Alaskan King Crab.  NOONE had
better get in his way, when there is crab out!!  He would maul, maime,
and kill anyone who tried to "snatch" his portion (no I am NOT rich -
just have a love for crab).  Ok, I admit it... I accidentally, spoiled
him rotten.  But he deserved it - given his earlier life history.  He
truly was the best damn cat I ever shared my life with.  Even the ferrets
loved him.  They claimed him as their "bus' - as he would allow them to
"pounce" on his back and go for a ride.  He had such a wonderful
disposition.  When we first got Artemus (ferret from hell) - Sinbad was
the ONLY one who would let the little monster around him.  Artemus spent
alot of time, chewing on Sinbad's tail.
My husband, who never wanted cats, fell totally for this guy.  It was
comical to watch him with the cat.  He tried to convince us all that he
taught Sinbad to "talk".  I remember one day - he called us all in to the
bedroom to show us the "trick" he taught him.  We stood there and
listened to him say: Now Sinbad, if you love daddy, blink once.  SEE?!!!
he would exclaim?  He understands me!  Of course, WE didn't understand
him, but if it made him happy to be "blinked" at by the cat, who are we
to take that away?  He cried harder than my kids did, when we found him
Sinbad was a good testimonial for people who think cats are "aloof" -
that is one thing he never was.  My stepson - when letting the dog out
the day before yesterday - accidentally let the cat out as well.  This
is tougher on him, as he keeps blaming himself.  I have been trying to
convince him, that it isn't his fault - if Sinbad wanted out bad enough,
he would find a way.  We couldn't find him that night, but I was pretty
sure he would be home by morning.  Well, no such luck.  After work, I ran
to the store and bought some king crab - in hopes of "luring" him back.
I sent the kids, door to door.  They finally came upon a lady who said
she saw a black cat on the side of the busy street, that is close to our
house.  Well, as much as I wanted a happy ending to this - I didn't get
it.  It was him.  It appeared that someone at least cared enough to move
him over - and they removed his collar.  I am sure I will be hearing from
them today.
Sorry to go on and on folks.  My heart is damn near broken.  Sandee - I
know you help the ferts along their way, but please, help my Sinbad?  I
know he is not a fert, but he sure loved his fertty buddies.  They seem
to be as lost as I feel - over him being gone.  There goes their free
taxi!  I am sure that the way he died, he didn't linger - but I know he
is probably bewildered and lost and needs help.  If you can help him find
Mammy, his brother in fur, I would be most grateful.  Tell him that Mom
and Dad, Artemus,Helena, Romulous, Chris, Geoff, Zach - all miss him and
will see him as soon as we are through with our jobs down here?  Will you
hug him for me and tell him how much I love him, and how sorry I am that
he had to leave us so soon?  I won't use the past tense of that word,
because I firmly believe, that although his "vessel" which stored his
spirit is gone, that he lives on - in our hearts, and our minds.
No funny stories from me for a while here.  I need to heal.  Thanks
Kimberly Gorman
Regional Translations Engineer
Cricket Communications
A Leap Company
Albuquerque NM 87107
Office:  505-872-7773
Fax:  505-872-7790
Cell:  505-228-4130
Cricket cell: 489-2470
[Posted in FML issue 3912]