I'm not sure of the circumstances that the little ones were taken to a
shelter but if they were a group and split up, they need to be back
together.  The pain and suffering of separation is deadly on some.  That
is why I always advise NOT to separate family ferret groups.
How do you think they feel when they are taken from their home, lose
thier human parents, and then lose their siblings?
I do realize it is sometimes difficult to find a home that will adopt 3+
ferrets at one time, but at give it your very best try, and then some.
I've offered to take larger groups because I know it can be difficult.
Nester, Calvin, and Hobbs came to me from a group of 7.  I asked for all
7 but 4 were placed without heeding my request.  No money was involved so
that wasn't a deciding factor.  I don't know what was but I ended up with
2 of the boys being very depressed.  Not only was it painful, both
emotionally and physically for the boys, it was painful and more work for
me (and I'm ferret experienced).  Yes, the boys are fine now, but they
aren't as happy as they would have been together with their ferret
family.  I can see it even if someone else doesn't.
I've seen the pain and suffering with human/ferret separation as well.
And don't think ferrets forget easily, they don't.  It took a year for
Culla to warm up to me but he never was really affectionate till his
final days.....
If the previous home is a good one and the little ones will be well taken
care of and loved, they NEED to go back to their person.  With one sick
now THE FERRET FAMILY NEEDS to be together again.
If it were me and the above conditions were met, I'd waive any fees and
work on getting this family, both human and ferrets, back together again.
If the situation is not a good one for them to be returned, then I'd make
sure the ferret family was together.
The ferret's mental and physical well being is the most important
deciding factor, not how much money or pride, or whatever.
Don't make these little ones suffer for human ignorance or pride.
Hugs to all. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart, F.B.S.
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our efforts
[Posted in FML issue 3912]