Hi Everyone,
Help!!!!  One day Bailey stopped playing, started drooling and acting
spacey.  I immediately knew this was the start of insulinoma.  She was
taken to a vet for bloodwork and they concluded she had low blood sugar
and felt she needed insulinoma surgery.  Well, she ended up going to my
vet and having exploratory/insulinoma surgery only to find out there is
absolutely nothing wrong with her.  He checked every part in her body to
find everything normal.  So, she was sent home with a clean bill of
health.  Just yesterday, a few weeks after the exploratory surgery, she
did it again.  So, I took her in and her blood sugar level was 50.1.
What is going on?  Have we caught this early?  What do you think it is?
If it is insulinoma, there would be tell-tale signs of the disease,
wouldn't there?
Please email me on this list or privately and give me your thoughts!
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[Posted in FML issue 3911]